Digital Nomad Life in Vietnam, Expanded Worldviews & Holistic Spirituality.

Sage Gosner
3 min readOct 10, 2023

It’s a Tuesday morning here in Da Nang, Vietnam. I’m sitting in a cafe drinking salt coffee and a eating an apple pastry. A light rain drizzles outside. A young Vietnamese man sits to my left, painting with watercolors. A foreign couple sits in front of me, scrolling on their phones. Various nationalities scattered about sipping coffee and working on their laptops.

Although my 9–5 office days were only a couple months ago, it feels much longer. Time has begun to slow down for me. Weeks feel like months. Months feel like years. My routine has been shattered. Everyday is something new, a blank canvas for me to create on. I am able to follow my spontaneous nature. I live day by day.

I have some work later tonight, a couple hours of work and I should be able to make around $30. That should cover my $3 coffee and pastry. My $3 per day scooter rental. My $13 per night apartment. And maybe a bit leftover for dinner tonight.

Life is simple here.

I don’t really need to worry about things like car insurance, mortgage payments, phone/internet contracts, people, societal pressure…

At least for me, it seems like America is made by design to keep Americans in tolerable, yet persistent state of fear, anxiety, or worry.



Sage Gosner

Explorer Extraordinaire. Diving deep into the unknown. Love all.