Dream the Impossible Dream
“Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up.” -Terence McKenna
As I enter my 32nd year of life, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on what has happened so far.
Here are some highlights:
-Quit 7 different jobs
-Traveled around the world on a boat for free
-Lived abroad in 4 different countries
-Traveled to 30+ countries
-Had an array of very intense psychedelic experiences
-Lived in my car for nearly a year
All of this happened effortlessly, as if it was all just a dream.
“Every man has two lives, and the second starts when he realizes he has just one” -Confucius
Looking back I recall that growing up I lived a pretty standard and structured American life. I grew up in a middle class suburban neighborhood, went to university, smoked a bunch of weed, partied a bit, studied, and I was absolutely miserable with my life 95% of the time.
I hated it.