Member-only story
Getting Lost on the Pathless Path
It was 2018 when I had my first LSD trip. I was 26 years old and I was alone in my apartment in Tokyo, Japan. I distinctly remember that moment. Something so beautiful and profound was revealed. I felt love. I felt a connection to divine energy. I realized a truth so profound that I could barely contain it. My heart felt like a balloon about to burst. And I just sat there and cried at the beauty of it all.
Fast forward to today. It is now February 2023. It has been over 5 years since that transformational day. My first “awakening” experience. And so what has happened since then? A chaotic roller coaster of a life has emerged. Awakening is like throwing a wrench into the metaphorical machine of life. All hell breaks loose. You experience profound blissful states of oneness, and then suddenly you are experiencing a dark night of the soul. But it’s 100% worth it.
All thoughts and beliefs I had up until awakening suddenly zapped out of existence. I questioned my relationships, my career path, my beliefs about the world, science, and even my own existence. And once you lose all those things that you once clung to so tightly in order to maintain some form of structure and stability in your life, you cut off the umbilical cord and you start drifting off into the vastness of empty space without gravity, or anything to cling onto. Scary yet at the same time incredibly…