I am a reflection of you

Sage Gosner
2 min readSep 13, 2022

“We’re all just walking each other home.” — Ram Dass

Where would I be now if it wasn’t for you? Who would I be if I had no-one else to reflect in my life? If I was truly alone in this universe?

The truth is, I wouldn’t be much of anything. We actually do need people, leaders, geniuses, enlightened ones that have pushed the boundaries of human knowledge and wisdom just a bit further than those who came before them. In this sense we really are just walking each other home, towards the pinnacle of the human experience and beyond.

With that said, we truly are at the very edge of all the thousands and millions of years that came before us to lead us to this very moment now. We are incredibly fortunate. We all have free access to everything that humanity has worked so hard for in history. From learning how to start a fire, to the teachings of Buddha, to the modern day shamans and psychedelic explorers, self-help gurus, computer programmers, you name it.

A lot of work has been done for us to reach this point. And all we really need to do is tune in to what has already be said and discovered, and just inquire a little bit further…

until the singularity occurs, or AI takes over, or the world ends, or we all become enlightened or nothing happens at all.

It’s difficult to say where all of this is leading us towards, but I can say it is leading us to wherever we are going at a faster and faster rate. Look around you. Things are changing rapidly. Even the world just 10 years ago was very different from the one we are in now. Imagine 10 years into the future, 30 years, 1000 years.

Is there an end to how far this can go?

No, it is infinite.

There will never be an end.

There will always be new discoveries, new innovations, better technology, higher states of consciousness and awakenings. It never ends. It just keeps going on forever and ever.

And here you and I are, right in the very present moment, this very magical moment in which things are getting alarmingly exponential.

And it is because of us. Our reflections, your reflections, seeing ourselves in others, learning and growing individually so that collectively we can expand.

And for that I am filled with gratitude.

As a side note there is a Werner Herzog film based on a true story The Enigma of Kasper Hauser which tells the story of a man in Germany who spent his first 17 years in complete isolation and then was released into town one day by his captor.



Sage Gosner

Explorer Extraordinaire. Diving deep into the unknown. Love all.