Leaving America was the BEST Decision of my Life

Sage Gosner
4 min readSep 11, 2023
Manhattan skyline

Leaving America was the best decision of my life. My quality of life has improved significantly, my mental health is better, my social life has improved, I am eating healthier, and yet everyone thinks I’m crazy.

Coming from New York, I am often asked “Why would you leave the greatest city in the world to move here?!”.

And my answer is simple.

New York is NOT the greatest city in the world.

The US is NOT the greatest country in the world.

I can live a much simpler, fulfilling, and socially active life in developing countries than I can in The US.

Living in New York I paid $800/month for an apartment with 7 other roommates in Brooklyn. Winters were brutal. I would work in the gig economy doing food delivery on my bicycle in the freezing cold for 10+ hours a day. I would get back to my apartment with my face numb, snot running down my nose, and I would have to carry my bike up 3 flights of stairs because leaving your bike outside in NYC, even locked up, you are guaranteed to have at least a wheel missing within a few days.

I got slapped in the face by a homeless woman, spit on, verbally abused, and everything in between for absolutely no reason while living in NYC.



Sage Gosner

Explorer Extraordinaire. Diving deep into the unknown. Love all.